Happy Fourth of July! Sean had a great time at the beach, he went to some yard sales with Daddy and had loads of fun with Uncle Pete, Nana, Uncle Mike, and his girlfriend Lauren.
Seanie and Bob had a great first Father's day together. Sean expressed his love for his Dad through an impressive T-Shirt. Seanie and Daddy also enjoy watching the Red Sox, the best baseball team ever.
Seanie loved his first trip to the cape. He got to model his new swimwear. And the picture of him in the brown hat is my favorite picture of Sean. The big blue eyes and the drool...priceless.
Sean was the only baby who did not cry during the Baptism. The Deacon had the audacity to make fun of his hat. He called it girly. How dare he?! It is a baseball cap for goodness sake! So what if it is satin?
They sent us to the hospital on Wednesday, January 17 . We got there around 2 PM. We finally had the baby at 3 AM on Friday January 19. We finally got to leave with the baby on Sunday around 2 pm. I can't believe they let us take him home!
Seanie is now 2 and 1/2. He loves to run around as much as possible. He is really into coloring and playing with his trucks. Rylie is almost 10 months old. She really just likes to eat and yell.