Tuesday, June 24, 2008

This is Bob and my bedroom at the new house. No furniture yet, but at least we have a mattress!

Seanie taking a much needed nap during our first weekend at the new Cape house.

Papa taking a well deserved nap after a weekend of hard work.

Cheese curls and more

Sean has, like most kids, developed a taste for cheese curls. That is the one things he does not like to share.

Sean eating his second favorite food...cookies.

Seanie discovering that he can peek at people through his legs.

Memorial Day

Seanie and Daddy at the beach enjoying the sun. Sean was liking the water until he fell in face first. Then he did not want Daddy to put him down.
Seanie watching Uncle Mike blow up the beach ball.


May was a crazy month. Bob turned 30 and we had a big shebang for him. Here Sean is having his first taste of beer.
The Cape house with the columns all done.

It has been a while...

So its been a crazy few months...We have been going to check on the Cape house almost every weekend for months and it is pretty much done. You can see the beach from the balcony. So cool. Sean is getting so big so fast. He is talking so much...and hitting and slapping, but what can you do? Bob and I are excited about the new baby coming in November. Sean just likes to touch Mommy's belly as it gets bigger and bigger.

The Sandbox

Seanie loves playing in the sandbox at Grandma's house. Sometimes he even likes to sample the sand. Tastes great!